House Bill 23

The OTA is an interested party in this bill.


The FY 2024-2025 transportation budget passed both the House and Senate on Wednesday, March 29, 2023. House Bill 23 is the largest transportation budget in state history, coming in at $13.5 billion. Conferees from both the House and the Senate met on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, in conference committee to concur on the final version of the bill.

The final version had an increase to township funding of $33.2 million for FY 24 and $33.8 million in FY 25. Also contained in the bill is an increase to force account threshold limits for townships. The increase represents a 133% increase from current limits. From $45,000 to $105,000 for maintenance and repair and from $15,000 to $35,000 per mile for construction and reconstruction. Please call your House and Senate Members and thank them for raising township force account limits. To find your Representative, please click here. To find your Senator, please click here.

Another provision added $10 million earmarked for grants to assist with road-slip emergency projects.

The OTA opposed a change to zoning law regarding aggregate mining permits, but it remained a part of the bill that was signed by Governor DeWine. The provision requires a county or township to allow aggregate mineral surface activities in any zoning district as either a permitted use or as a conditional use when added to existing operations. The OTA did request Governor DeWine to line-item veto the provision, however, he did not.

The bill was signed by Governor DeWine on Friday, March 31, 2023, and will take effect on July 1, 2023. 

See the links below for more information on the Ohio Legislature's website, including proponent and opponent testimonies, a summary of the bill, and more.

House Bill 23 Final Bill Text

OTA Interested Party Testimony

OTA Veto Request to Governor DeWine

Vote Count

View OTA Talking Points for HB 23

Watch the OTA's interested party testimony from the March 7, 2023, Senate Transportation Committee hearing on HB 23 below. If the video does not load, click here to view the video on the Ohio Channel.