Cox Report
"Ohio's Townships: Spending, Taxing & Borrowing Less"
In 2012, the Ohio Township Association commissioned a report on the functions of Ohio's townships from Wendell Cox, principal of Demographia (an international urban policy firm). The catalyst for this was a "bigger [government] is better" discussion at the state level. The result was the groundbreaking Cox Report (Local Democracy in Ohio), a study that provided significant proof of townships' value and efficiency.
The OTA released an updated version of this report (Ohio's Townships: Spending, Taxing & Borrowing Less) during the Association's annual winter conference on February 6, 2020. This updated study further concludes that Ohio's townships save taxpayer money.
If you or your township are interested in purchasing summary brochures of the updated study (pictured here), click here to access the order form.
Trustees and fiscal officers who are logged in may access the full report here.