Local Township Officials Receive Updates at Statewide Meeting


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Over 40 County Township Association (CTA) officers from over 30 counties gathered at the Ohio Farm Bureau & 4‐H Center in Columbus, Ohio Friday to gather insights on township government.

“Our CTA’s and it’s officers are the backbone of the Ohio Township Association (OTA),” said Matt DeTemple, OTA executive director. “The many meetings and events put on by CTA’s and the OTA are one way that township officials gather new information and connections that help keep the already low tax burden on township residents even lower.”

A report by international researcher Wendell Cox has well documented that townships, and smaller local governments in general, have lower taxes per capita and spend less per capita when compared to other government entities.

At the OTA meeting on Friday, CTA officers heard presentations on the Safety Capital Grant Program, which is aimed at helping to fund township initiatives; the funding and accreditation process for health districts, which is a big challenge facing counties and townships across Ohio; and information about important legislation that could affect townships and their residents. The officers will take this information back to their CTA membership so all townships can benefit.

The Ohio Township Association (OTA) is comprised of 87 County Township Associations, which elect five officers each. These officers serve as liaisons between the OTA and the townships within each county.

The Ohio Township Association is a statewide organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of township government in Ohio. The Association was founded on June 28, 1928, and is organized in 87 Ohio counties. The Association has more than 5,200 active members, made up of trustees and fiscal officers from Ohio’s 1,308 townships and more than 4,000 associate members.