OTA Still Awaiting Word from U.S. Treasury Regarding Ohio Townships and the ARP Act
“All of Ohio’s forms of local government are in need of this funding – Ohio’s 1,308 townships are no exception,” said the OTA's Executive Director, Heidi M. Fought. "Being determined ineligible for this funding would leave townships and their communities struggling to recover from the pandemic’s impact, while other local governments would receive the ARP’s immensely helpful financial boost.”
At this time (3/23/2021), the OTA is still awaiting word from the U.S. Treasury and Sec. Yellen regarding Ohio townships and the ARP Act. The OTA appreciates the invaluable efforts made by Ohio's Congressional delegation (U.S. Senators Brown and Portman, and many U.S. Representatives), at NATaT (the National Association of Towns and Townships), and at the state level to urge Sec. Yellen to determine Ohio townships as eligible for direct relief under the ARP’s funds.
Further updates will be provided when developments take place.