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Classifieds Classifieds : Careers Classifieds : For Sale Newsroom Township Stories

The Ohio Township Association would like to again emphasize that it cannot yet be concluded that 1,305 of Ohio’s 1,308 townships are not receiving...

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The Ohio Ethics Commission's second quarter newsletter, the Voice of Ethics, is available now! Included in this issue is an overview of the OEC's...

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This new FCC broadband resource should be shared in Ohio townships! This year has emphasized that broadband is critical to connecting people with...

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This research project aimed to identify or develop a method for designing a well-performing asphalt mixture for use on low-volume local roads with...

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Today’s release of ARP info from Treasury comes after weeks of advocacy on townships’ behalf by the OTA, Ohio’s Congressional delegation, and other...

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The purpose of this bulletin is to prescribe the form and substance of the Certificate of Transition by outgoing fiscal officer as required by...

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The OTA needs your help! The Joint Committee on Force Accounts needs to know what road projects a township is capable of completing under current...

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The Ohio Ethics Commission routinely presents free, one-hour webinars to assist public employees and officials in understanding and complying with...

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The OTA thanks OBM for the detailed instructions emailed to Ohio’s local governments – including townships – on how to obtain ARP funds. To clarify,...

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Despite many letters and shows of support from Ohio’s Congressional delegation and at the state and local levels, there has not yet been a response...

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Ohio townships continue to receive assistance concerning ARP funds from members of Ohio’s Congressional delegation & the Ohio GA, local...

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Governor DeWine has signed HB 74, the transportation budget. The changes to force account limit increases considered during Senate hearings were...

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